Finding Your Pussy Power
Why Pussy?
I know its a word that many people find well, vulgar I guess. Or perhaps a word you associate with porn.
It’s been used as a slur for years. Its a word used to put people down. Its associated with being a coward and just generally a derogatory term.
Well, I am reclaiming the word pussy! And I think other women should too!
For the simple reason that why should your body part be used in that way? I mean, I know the word ‘dick’ is used in a similar way but by no mean does it collect quick the disgust the the word Pussy does, or in deed, dare I say it….. Brace yourself Beryl!… Cunt.
My Muma rarely swears and she really HATES the C word! Especially as my brothers nick name for me is actually cunt chops! No lie! He even put it as a reference on a bank transfer once, and carved in wood and painted gold on my place setting at his wedding! haha He means it in jest btw, just to clarify! :) It’s a long ongoing joke between us.
In fact, another funny story about Muma bear and that word I have to share… We were playing scrabble on holiday once and she’d been deliberating for ages and ages over what to use. When I took a sneaky peak over her shoulder that’s what was on her deck. It was hilarious. We all laughed so hard. I was about 8 years ago now and we still laugh about it.
There’s a great article here on some of the suggested origins of the word Pussy. Once a fairly unloaded word util it reached the mouth’s of misogynists. And here is one for cunt, again another word that actually has its roots in a descriptive term for genitalia or sexuality but has been changed over time to become of of the most loaded and derogatory names you could call someone.
So for decades Pussy and Cunt have been used in a very derogatory way. Simultaneously in the media film, press, fashion ect women have been subject to this pressure to look ‘perfect’ or doll like. To the point that even your labia is being scrutinized!
I mean the fact that Labiaplasty is a thing blows my mind. I’m sure there are potential reason for it in a rare few cases but I strongly feel this is driven by the pressure to look perfect to the point women even feel they need what I like to call a ‘Porn Pussy’
Its a surgery to reduce the inner lips so you cant see anything pertruding from the Labia Majora (outer lips) I don’t mean to shame anyone’s Pussy or choices! at all! But if the Vulva has been nipped and tucked to look ‘porn perfect’ I wonder what pressure and emotions those women felt under to have those surgeries?
In the past I have definitely felt my labia weren’t ‘neat’ enough. Years back I even looked up Labiaplasty myself. It wasn’t a happy time in my life and I had a difficult relationship with my body.
Some time ago when ‘doing the work’ I remembered that after the rape I used to try and cut my Labia off with bathroom scissors. I now know of several other women that have self harmed in the same way. It was also about the same time I finally recovered feeling in my Labia where they had been numb. I hadn’t even realized that until the feeling returned.
We can experience areas of numbness due to trauma being held in the body.
The thing as we know with pressure from media, film ect, is gives women from all walks of life false pressure and unrealistic expectations of what to look like. Even when it comes to our genitalia.
So with that in mind, and the fact that words to describe our genitalia over the years have been used in such a derogatory way its not surprising many women don’t feel in love with their Yoni! That we feel shame around ourselves and what we look like. That you may find your genitalia ugly.
This feeling of shame can also arise from childhood with being told to ‘close your legs’ as a young child, put some pants on, don’t touch yourself. Or not having your genitalia named correctly… bits, lady bits, noo noo, down there ect. Sometimes accompanied with a tone of voice subconsciously so, but none the less sending a subliminal message that our body is something to be hidden or ashamed off.
You can even delve in to the whole ‘slut’ shaming if your a woman that enjoys sex… I think that’s another blog and I digress…
H wonder how you feel about what you look like? Have you ever taken the time to look, connect and really see your body? Or does it fill you with dread and negative thoughts? If so do you know why? What comes up when you think about it? I’d genuinely love to know so please do comment on DM me.
Our womb space, Vulva, Yoni, Pussy is the most powerful source of energy!
It brings life in to the world.
Its designed for more pleasure than a mans sexual organs with over 8,000 nerve endings in the top of the clitoris alone. Twice than the tip of the Penis!
The Clitoris is in fact not just the little button you see on the outside but is much larger and has nerves that can bring waves of pleasure to a much wider area. Its also just for your pleasure.
Your Vagina contains the G Spot, just for your pleasure.
Pus the Cervix. Which isn’t only magical in that it opens to over 10 x its size to allow a baby to be delivered but it can also give you an incredible orgasm!
Even if your unable to have children naturally, or don’t actually want children. Are going through Menopause, or are out the other side. Your womb space is incredible! You are incredible. I wish to stress that to you.
In energy work the Sacral Chakra is housed in the Pelvis. It represents your sensuality, sexuality, creativity and relationship with money.
Your Pussy is something of wonder, its beautiful and magnificent.
When fully embraced, you are capable of the most incredible things.
I was very inspired by the book Pussy - A Reclamation by Regina Thomaseur a few years back which really helped me realize there was power in my sacred femininity. I don’t mean that in an egoistic way.
Your Pussy is your source of creativity, potential for financial abundance, space holding for other sisters, your daughters, mothers is a beautiful thing when you tap in to that energy. Women supporting women instead of bringing each other down because of our insecurities is the bomb!
Your sexual energy is one of creativity and inspiration as well as pleasure.
Tapping in to the infinite wisdom held in your pelvis and Vulva brings great pleasure in every area of your life.
For too long that power has been suppressed by all of the things I spoke of in the beginning of this blog.
You may like to read my blog on Pelvic Floor exercises and sex as I talk in there about the emotion we hold in the pelvis that can also hinder you stepping in to your full potential. Sexually and in the rest of your life. Sexual energy is creative energy.
There was a time I was a lights of, covers over me, don’t look at me kind of girl.
Now I feel totally comfortable in my husband seeing all of me and actually take pleasure in seeing how much he loves looking at me and adores every inch of my body.
I know that may seem like a long way off for some of you reading this. I would have thought the same some years ago.
That’s why Pussy. It’s why I am using the word with the intention of empowering you to see the magnificence in yours. To let go of the shame
So you can experience all the potentiality of liberation, pleasure and inspiration derived from loving yourself and feeling connected to ALL of your body.
In my new coaching program Pussy Power I will hold space and guide you through your fears, limiting beliefs. Help you with your inner and outer confidence, personal identities and vision of how you wish to feel in your future and what you value the most to help you become the best version of you.
I also have also collaborated with the talented Imogen Loveday Styling who takes a holistic approach to clothes which play a huge part in how we feel about ourselves. I have chosen her specifically as shes a total goddess when it comes to ‘doing the work’. She has recently completed my Pelvic Floor course and and I know she’s be a real asset to this program. She uses styling in the most holistic way possible and is in total alignment with this mission.
All this will help you become more empowered and in touch with your needs, desires and dreams and help you step in to your Pussy Power. Your full empowered version of you.
If you’d like to join us the next course is starting the week commencing 13th of July. Full dates and course deets are here.
You can use discount code: PPPELOVE to save 25% off as my gift to you.
This is the first run of this course online. Its a combination of the 1:2:1 life coaching, sharing circles and tools I have been using for a long time brought together in one transformational package, so I know its just going to be magical.
Big Love
Nikki xx