Books That Started My Journey To Healing And Personal Growth

I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite books that have definitely helped me go from very broken to completely owning my shit and knowing who I am.

As a disclaimer I consider myself someway down the healing path. I don’t think there’s ever an end to healing and growing. I feel its a constant evolution because the more we learn about ourselves the more we see there is to learn and heal. Its the gift that keeps on giving.

Said with slight tongue and cheek, but also as it says.

Learning and understanding who we are is a gift. Because if were not growing were dying.

By that I mean not dealing with our shit, not exploring how we can reach our full potential as humans in terms of happiness and fulfillment. Not necessarily as is being a grade A student or gazillionaire :)

My love of personal development, or using an outdated term self help if you resonate more with that started when I got given a book on a course to become a Birth Doula.

My first realization came that rape had impacted how positive my first birth experience was. This book was about Rape ‘survivors’ Just hearing that term was a light for me. I wish I could remember what its called but I’ll re discover it one day and share it.

Then after my time in The Priory I realized that receiving therapy was like learning to pass my driving test. The real work came is learning how to really drive. Thats where I really started to find out who I was and what I needed to heal.

So here are my most valuable books so far.

Brene Brown - Daring Greatly (All her work is amazing!)

Awakening the giant with in - Tony Robins (I’ve listened to this about 10 times)
Unlimited Power - Tony Robbins

Love Your Body - :Louise Hay (even if I did giggle like a teenage boy when she said the affirmations about loving your anus. I wish I could say I don’t still giggle… I cant lol ) This helped me to start to like my body. I think thats another blog :)

The Universe Has Your Back - Gabrielle Bernstein - This was a fantastic read, spiritually I started to connect on a deeper level and gain more trust in myself but the biggest thing was that it was a game changer for me as Gabby recommended the biggest game changer of all that day. Bigger than any podcast, post, book, anything…

Pussy - A Reclamation - Regena Thomasheur - Gave me my connection to my feminine back. Gave me permission to step in to my body again. Ended the disconnection to my body that I had I felt for, well, possibly ever. I feel I owe lot of where I am now to this. I I hadn’t reconnected to my body I’d be in a different place now.

What books have helped you? I’d love to hear your recommendations.

Big Love
Nikki xx