What's the best Probiotic for gut health?

Following on from my last blog about gut health and your Pelvic Floor I wanted to talk Probiotics.


As a disclaimer I am not a nutritional therapist but through my own personal experiences, research and recommendations from a fabulous Gastro consultant who really helped me and my clients have benefited from. I always recommend checking anything you’re concerned about with your GP or the relevant health professional.

If you didn’t read the last blog as a brief overview I was talking about the importance your gut health has on your Pelvic Floor and your over all well-being.

There’s also an article i wrote on Bowel conditions and Pelvic Floor health.

Your Pelvic Floor’s impacted in many ways; gut permeability causing inflammation and chronic pain conditions. Knock on impacts to posture and the link with the Psoas muscle and the Diaphragm.

One of the recommendations I make to help sooth and heal gut health is making organic Bone Broth. Its full of Collagen and is a real miracle tonic.

Another thing that can really help is Probiotics.


We need to have right right balance of bacteria in our gut to be healthy. When gut health is compromised you can end up with overgrowth of bacteria, Yeast and Candida.

Cutting sugar is important to help calm the gut. I was told by my Gastro consultant that having sugar in your diet when you’re suffering with bacteria imbalance is the equivalent of pouring petrol on a fire. You may notice bloating or more pain if you have sugars.

Unfortunately some of the commercial Probiotics you may have heard of are brands like Yakult or Activia. Yoghurts contain varying amounts of sugar. For those with dairy intolorences that’s also not ideal.


When we consume Probiotics as part of a food, we trigger digestion so there’s not such an opportunity for the good bacteria to get to work. Many of these Probiotic foods don’t contain enough live bacteria to have a positive impact on your health.

The constant recommendation to me is to use a water based Probiotic called Symprove. I have to say it is brilliant!

There’s helpful info on the Symprove website including details of their studies.

Alongside Bone Broth and Symprove, fermented foods such as Sauerkrout are fantastic to add to your diet. I have added a link here so you can see the many benefits Sauerkrout also has for gut health.

Big Love
Nikki xx