Movement and Mood
This was a post from my Insta account from last week but I thought it may be helpful for some of you so thought I’d share here too. :)
It has been confirmed to me the last 3 weeks is that I HAVE TO MOVE A LOT... When I don’t, I’m a moody grump. There’s just not enough movement for me. I think I have ants in my pants.
Exercising isn’t a distraction from trauma, pain, mindset stuff, like and avoidance anymore, but because I physically need to shift energy in my body. It doesn’t always have to be exercise either but just being really active.
I do know now when I need to stop exercising, and I’m cool with that now.
Where as previously I used to push my body to crazy limits instead of dealing with my shit on a deep enough level.
Not always consciously, but because I didn’t have the self awareness I needed at the time. It’s all a journey right, learning the layers that make us, us.
This week I sat with my grumpiness and with some self assessment noticed a few of things going on.
There are 2 levels of stress I’m feeling - maybe you can relate?
Conscious and subconscious.
1: The conscious- The daily stuff. Managing work differently, parenting, having people around all the time when I’m used to being alone a lot. Having an emotional teen struggling with being away from his normal. Missing family and friends. Having a husband working 6 days (pros and a cons for that one lol)
2: The subconscious stress - not sleeping so well. I feel this is totally unrelated to the above but not sure what it is specifically. I’m Looking tired. I’m getting the hours of sleep as we don’t have to get up as early, but it’s broken and restless. Not deep enough for long enough. It’s also showing up in my skin not being so clear regardless of eating well and drinking extra water.
I spent many years in flight or fight mode and think its possibly a default setting for me to easily return to like homeostasis.
I suspect many of you may have dropped in to that at this time because most people like security, safely... which is all just an illusion really. We have a false sense of that normally. Right now that doesn’t exist.
What I do know are the tools that personally make me drop back in to my body and back to being me and grounding which feels so much better.
A bit like having Snickers moment 🤣... you know the ad, “have a snickers mate, your being a bit of a diva” Err, yeh thats me! lol Then miraculously divas gone and happy Nik is back.
Moving is my snickers, also sometimes cleaning too haha! I also think that’s about moving too though (and needing to feel control sometimes) I can’t be doing too bad as not much cleanings going on so a good measure of ok’ness
This need to move has definitely been compounded with the full moon this week. I’ve been compelled to use shaking in some form in all of my classes this week which I don’t normally do. It’s amazing for helping shift heavy or stagnant energy in the body and feels awesome.
In the wild animals body’s shake when they’ve been traumatized. I’m no expert in this at all but its said that it calms the central nervous system and brings back a state of calm.
Maybe this has been a natural instinct this week with the shaking in classes, given the circumstances were in with the pandemic. It got me thinking it might help you if your feeling the same. Look up TRE exercises.
It’s a series of exercises designed to release tension and trauma.
There’s some on YouTube or follow this link to find out more in this short vid.
So last night I felt so much better than I have. I moved more! I thought a Yoga class this morning in my online community well being group (Virtual Sanity) Went for a 45 min hilly run (in the midday sun, doh!) And did a strength and conditioning class online this eve finished off with some hit.
I know that sounds a lot but it’s part of my personal tool box to happiness. I’m used to moving a lot in various capacities. I still had some energy in there but ahhh, loads better. I fee lighter and calmer and more upbeat.
What’s helping you feel better right now?
Ps: try the TRE - pretty much anyone can do the exercises.
Big Love
Nikki xx