Can Pelvic Floor Exercises Help Prolapse?
Prolapse is when organs; Uterus, Bladder or Bowel move from their ‘normal’ position into the Vaginal wall. You can also have a Rectal Prolapse where the rectal walls protrude outside the Rectum.
Prolapses are graded in to 4 grades ranging in severity. 1 being the least severe.
Symptoms of Prolapse are often a heaviness or bulge feeling. For some women symptoms may feel worse at the end of the day or after an exercise class.
For a grade Prolapse one you may not even know about it unless your doctor, nurse or gyne tells you during an exam.
For grade 2 you may feel something is different. If the Prolapse is a grade 3 or 4 you’ll be able to feel or see a change in the vagina or Rectum.
As well as a heaviness or feeling a bulge in the Vaginal wall its often reported that symptoms of Prolapse can include lower back ache, lower abdominal discomfort, pain during intercourse.
What causes Prolapse
In the past it was thought that Prolapse was down to a weak Pelvic Floor but it can also be caused because of tightness from scar tissue, birth trauma, surgery, emotional or physical trauma, bowel conditions such as Constipation or postural imbalances.
Avoiding surgery
Unfortunately surgery for Prolapse hasn’t been greatly successful in the past and often leads to re prolapsing and further surgery.
I am not a surgeon or doctor so ca’t diagnose or give medical advice beyond my qualifications.
However, I do recommend seeing women’s health physio who can give you a full MOT and look at causes of the Prolapse. If there are areas of tightness and imbalances they can help address those with specific stretch programs and massage.
Pelvic Floor exercises for Prolapse
Pelvic Floor exercises can’t move the organ that’s Prolapsed back in to place. But in some cases doing correctly performed exercises can reduce the symptoms and make things more comfortable by strengthening the Pelvic Floor muscles.
Sometimes Prolapse can be accompanied by Stress Incontinence or Urge and learning how to manage that, and also how to go to the toilet to prevent straining if you have constipation can really make a difference to your quality of life.
In my online course Pelvic Enlightenment I cover all of the above in more detail and give meditations, breath work and exercises to strengthen the Pelvic Floor and reduce symptoms of Prolapse when caused by weakness.
I always recommend seeing a medical professional before if you’re unsure and don’t have a diagnosis.
My next course starts Monday 2nd November if you want to learn more about how the Pelvic Floor functions and how to look after it correctly.
This is particularly important if you have already had surgery to keep the Pelvic floor protected and to avoid a re Prolapse.
Big Love
Nikki xx