Celestial Soul

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Podcast "We meet ourselves by becoming vulnerable"

In this podcast I was interviewed by Pete Lorton who was fantastic! Hes an entrepreneur, author and coach as well as a father to two children. He loves to know what gives people their ‘Fire In The Belly’ to do what they do and had a podcast jam packed of inspiring and fascinating stories from all sorts of amazing people.

This is his synopsis of the podcast which you can listen too on Spotify here.

And watch on Youtube here

“Nikki Wetherell found her way to becoming a somatic sex and life coach after a life-defining moment in 2010. She was a young mother and wife, dealing with the effects of a repressed sexual trauma, which landed her in a hospital after admitting to suicidal tendencies. It was her fierce commitment to her own healing, as well as the healing of her family, that inspired her to want to share those lessons with the world to help others heal and move past their own trauma.

Nikki is someone whose commitment to honesty and vulnerability about her own life is hugely inspirational. She uses this inspiration to galvanize others to begin their own healing journeys, which she wants to support in whichever ways she can. 


  • Letting go is a huge key to (her) freedom. Getting to a place where she was able to acknowledge that she needed to heal, then allowing herself to process her trauma, and then setting down her past — has released her from a cycle of pain. 

  • Vulnerability is terrifying because it involves both trust and rigorous honesty, but it can help you achieve your highest potential.

  • Your pleasure is your own responsibility. 

  • Forgiveness is not an essential part of moving forward. 


  • “The amount of baggage people are capable of carrying is quite astounding. And then the energy it takes to carry that baggage and what we all do to cover it up is something else.” 

  • “To do all that evolution (towards becoming a somatic coach), there’s been this thread of me trying to understand why my body functioned in a certain way, why did I need certain things, why did I struggle with certain aspects of sex and pleasure…as I really healed myself, I would get these stories (from) people.” 

  • “It doesn’t matter how many walls I put up, I’m actually deeply vulnerable.” 

  • “I had to get to a certain point in my healing and then move away from the place where I’d done that….and then I realized, ‘shit, I’m not even straight.’…If I hadn’t moved, if I hadn’t let go, I wouldn’t have realized it.”

You can find Pete on insta here. and Youtube here.


Big Love
Niki xx